My Internet Playground

For so long I've wanted to create a personal site and brand, but as with most, the struggle is never ending.

The burnout of constant iteration and trying to strive for something that reflects what you know you're capable of, or that showcases some resembelence of the way you go about creating on the web can feel like a never ending cycle.

My main aim coming into 2023 was to be more open with what I'm building, or what problems I'm solving as a developer. I've been a frontend developer for over 10 years, yet have never found the time nor energy outside of the day job to build a personal brand, or attempt to impart the knowledge I've collected during that time to others wanting to learn.

Having moved jobs last year, I decided to make it a mission to be more involved in open source and the communities of tools and frameworks I use every day. To do that, I needed somewhere to ramble, play around with ideas and showcase some of what I'm working on, so here is the start of that.

I've also open sourced the repo on my Github which you can find here.

It's available under the MIT license so feel free to do whatever you want with it, I'd only encourage people that use it to be creative by making it their own and use it as a way to explore Nuxt.

I've got some ideas for the future of this site, but for now, I'm going to keep it simple and just write about what I'm working on, or what I'm learning.

Finally, I have something in the works to help people get started with Nuxt 3, so keep an eye out for updates on those by following me on Twitter.

Until next time!